16 August 2007

The 7th 100 Eye


Yea - catching up on all the Ambiguously Gay Duo episodes on YouTube.
Funny (tee hee hee) ... that and Dame Edna.
The newer stuff and her older shows.


Was very frustrated yesterday night. Angry at myself and consequently upset and everything else related too closeby.

Maybe this whole thing isn't such a good idea, but I have to do it now.
Huge difference of intention and state of mind when you "want" to do something and you "have" to do something - even if they are the same thing.

Let's hope I can catch up by ... oh ... Sunday.

Its Bump-in on Sunday and Showtime on Thursday.

I need to know my lines!

Back to Origins

I've mentioned I need to simplify and uncomplicate things. I constantly need to remind myself of it. Its certainly not easy and I can only wish it would make my life easier.
Maybe it won't ever be, thats a possibility.

But just as well, it may as well.


You suck, life.


It actually makes sense to go back to that routine.
And it would help a lot. Its more personal than I'd ever thought it could be and I wasn't compelled by anything but a desire to commit simply and relax then when I was at the gym doing my stuff.
Somethings unbalanced, unhinged, and I have to find the fulcrum again.


Yea, my friend Dann, won a bunch of things for this short short story thing. I figured there were a lot of important people in some industries at the awards I accompanied him for. He's going to Bali, won a free MotoRazor and I was mistaken for his PR Agent. Ha ha!

Serve me right for going around asking relevant question about the details of the prizes on his behalf.

Still I met this guy there who I've had this minor crush on in art college. He's lost a lot of his muscle bulk and all, but he's still attractive to me!

Yea, its the same contest I told him and urged him to join.


I've told my friend Dann, that someday, I hope Karma is racking up all the points to repay me.
I've helped friends, get jobs, win prizes, informed them of opportunities and plugged in the right people to them when they needed the contacts and info. And here I am, stressing, awardless and prizeless.

Life, you suck.


Great! I just reminded myself, I have to write something Malaysiana for this weekends OpenMikeGig at PJ.




Delightful slippets of nighty night

Daytime reverie playtime.

Sleep now
for fourty winks.
Come fleeting for me

In the slippers of your eyelids.


Kenny Mah said...

The cheesey answer would be that having made a difference is prize enough. Of course, most days I feel exactly the same way. Ah, well.

G said...
