24 August 2007

Yugoloth Dreams


Between the 5 am jolts to consciousness and the bouts of nasal blockage, work line-ups and acting in a play at night ... I think I'm coping ok.
But ... feeling very beside myself.

Yes, I will concur with some friends.
FaceBook is addicting.
I hope the addiction doesn't last long, but the FluffPets are killing me. They're the reason I go back to check on them all the time :(
Sigh - I suppose this comes from having an allergy to many varied species of the animal kingdom during my youth. Allergies, be damned.


Little circular bores of circles, drill.
Concentric shapes into my skull, driving the brain
with Vibrations than do it no good.

Respect does the same thing.
I think the difference between that and obligation and duty is nary a hair's breadth long. But we carry it like a lifelong heritage burdened by our own self of self-social upbringing.

1 comment:

Kenny Mah said...

facebook is EVIl, i tell ya... was on their scrabulous app for a week, followed by another week cold turkey away from it... grr...

takes time away from blogging, which, come to think of it, is yet another obsession, eh? :P