10 May 2007

Ill-futed serpents

I think I’m getting ill. I can’t be sure, but it certainly feels that way.
I don’t think I know what brought it on.
I don’t even know if its … completely psychological even or wether its stress-related or compounding that with ‘age catching up’ with me and … and … fuck. I don’t know.
Upset tummy
Yea, its like that a bit.
Basically I’ve been feeling like I’ve been over eating coz most times after meals, I feel like puking and I occasionally do have some coming out but I quickly swallow the little bit in and forget about it. I’ve also been eating smaller portions … and as some friends have witnessed, chosen a lot less fried, spicy and oily food if I can help it.
And yet, I shit like I should have puked it out.
Sorry for the visual, but it’s the best equivalent I can find now.

Every now and then, I think there’s something about relationships I’ve totally missed on the mark. Then I remind myself, I’m gonna take the next 6 months to work on myself. At least, on some part of my personal like that IS within my control and isn’t fraught with indecision.
It’ll help me face and accept the things I cannot change.

I really hope my ex-boss can help collect my pay slips and proof of pay for my last few months of service. I need that to get my car loan.
Iswara …. do they come in shocking purple?
Pretty please, with sugar on top!

Sometimes, some things come back and remind about just how much shit you left in the past. That’s when it hits you and … well, it becomes another grueling test of character. And you question whether it’ll be worth it in the end.
But still we try, I guess. Perhaps that’s when I’ll learn about faith.

Coils of the Gorgon
in my slumber
Slithering thoughts of malcontent
My name on the sibilant tongues.

Stone gargoyles
Dancing for eternity
Locked in embrace in sync
With the demons of time.

I sold my soul to you
You repudiated it
I wish the sins of the Styx upon you
My last prayer to the bones of death.


Anonymous said...

oooh new car. I've been contemplating changing cars again. getting a little bored of my Lancer. The mods are great but its just not got enough power :D

Syar said...

Ugh sorry about the pukiness. I hate being nauseous and upset tummies. Although, I'm a bit worried about you swallowing your own vomit. That sounds like it could potentially be dangerous. Go to a doctor! Take care of your self.

We must come up with a name for this purple iswara.

G said...

Tsk tsk ... now I can think of a reallly nice gift for you. Its too bad I wasn't a gazillionaire.
I was thinking oh .... since you like cars NOW too -->
a custom paintjob of wolves running alongside your cardoors car side.
At this rate, you''re gonna have a car collection like those famous people!
instead of a walk-in closet, let's just get you a giant garage :p

Yea .. calling it barney was my first pukish thought :p


Anonymous said...

*lol* you read me wrong. I didn't say I was going to buy ANOTHER car. I meant I wanted to get rid of the lancer and buy something else. can't afford to have so many cars lah