The Devils I tells ya
Its youtube.
You know it is! I think I've wasted a half day at work, scouring youtube, linking from intuhresting to intuhresting video clip like a spidey with new web fluid for hours.
Its the Devil, and you can't lie to me! You know itsa true! Like the old A-HA song!
Astro Animax
I have 5 more hours to complete the damn 30-40 minutes anime script. Around 18 pages already, with a little more to go and a lotta more s tory to wrappa up. Yea, I know ... double spacing will ROCK the pages to about double so I'll make the qualification of an approximate 30 - 40 pages.
Just don't fuck up the entry, or past the entry date.
I've actually been seeing some movtivatonal muscle videos. Wow ... I really do want to get back into the gym, and I know that much coz I've already been doing push-ups' nearly everyday at home. Just quick reps, but nothing too resisting. It helps that I have heavy bones and I weigha lot for my slim build. Yea, the weight thing shocks a few other friends too.
At 5' 8", I'm about 65 kg and I'm slim. Like Slim Jim type.
And I have MUSKELS on my chest, small ones, but they be muskels!
And yes, I'm damned happy there were a number of asians grabbing awards on Ms. Universe night from 2 in the top 5, and for Ms Congeniality, and Most Photogenic.
Screw the rest of you who don't get it.
And I do think Ms USA had good poise and grace to recover after the flat bum fall she had in the evening gowm portion. Just fire that dress designer.
Silly willy
are the kinds I like.
They're hard nuts to crack.
just the way I like them.
Its youtube.
You know it is! I think I've wasted a half day at work, scouring youtube, linking from intuhresting to intuhresting video clip like a spidey with new web fluid for hours.
Its the Devil, and you can't lie to me! You know itsa true! Like the old A-HA song!
Astro Animax
I have 5 more hours to complete the damn 30-40 minutes anime script. Around 18 pages already, with a little more to go and a lotta more s tory to wrappa up. Yea, I know ... double spacing will ROCK the pages to about double so I'll make the qualification of an approximate 30 - 40 pages.
Just don't fuck up the entry, or past the entry date.
I've actually been seeing some movtivatonal muscle videos. Wow ... I really do want to get back into the gym, and I know that much coz I've already been doing push-ups' nearly everyday at home. Just quick reps, but nothing too resisting. It helps that I have heavy bones and I weigha lot for my slim build. Yea, the weight thing shocks a few other friends too.
At 5' 8", I'm about 65 kg and I'm slim. Like Slim Jim type.
And I have MUSKELS on my chest, small ones, but they be muskels!
And yes, I'm damned happy there were a number of asians grabbing awards on Ms. Universe night from 2 in the top 5, and for Ms Congeniality, and Most Photogenic.
Screw the rest of you who don't get it.
And I do think Ms USA had good poise and grace to recover after the flat bum fall she had in the evening gowm portion. Just fire that dress designer.
Silly willy
are the kinds I like.
They're hard nuts to crack.
just the way I like them.
yeah your weight is a little surprising. Jad is a little taller than you and weights 60kg at best so from what I remember of you I'd expect you to weigh less. But then maybe you've filled out a bit since the last time I saw you :P
I'm torn between being ecstatic that you think I've ganed weight or ... alarmed!
Actually, I don't my physiology has actually changed at all.
Perhaps a LITTLE bit of muscles and definition across the board but nothing noticeable (except to me!)
But yea.
When I slam into a wall, it sounds like a boulder ringing against a mountain.
I love how you say muskels.
Gary...! I missed u terribly! So glad I saw u yesterday *hugs*. I shall bring in a tape measure n document the progress of the muskels... *lol*
See u on Monday! =D
muskels? what be this muskels? is it like barnacles growing on the underbelly of ships but this time, is growing under your brain, ah? hehehehhe!
well, good luck with the ANIMAX contest, would have loved to enter but all tapped out from my manuscript - proof-reading my edited manuscript sent in from my editor this week (it is scary just how much she changed because she had to "fill in the pages", so she claimed)! but the content is there...
double-spacing, anyone? :-p
new job, broken chair, getting new chair by the week...back aches.. bit sore..getting massage some more.
save money..go on holiday, ja?
ah, gary-goodness in four brief lines.
your humour kills :D
Farah likes me Muskels :p ... (sing song)
Sum sum sum sum sum sum sum sum ... to the sound of the darth vader intro.
Vinnie (friggindildo)
Yea, its a bit latea and I'm sure you'd join to if you knew about it earlier too ... :D
Ya ya, me goodness!
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