I believe I've made some headway since ... oh 2 years ago. Yes, it is that time of year toward year end where most tend to turn inward ourselves and evaluate or take stock of what we've done, gone through, dated or dumped.
I've gon someways. I don't know if its the ... better way or if this is the better road of choices that I've walked on - but I guess we'll never know. I'll just have thanks for the little blessings, like I haven't fallen too ill at all this year, I've suffered no trauma, I'm not bankrupt ...
What is the road not taken, when I already on the one. Paltry musings.

Is like Bobbing for sin for fun.
Well, not really coz an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
So my family and I await a death of an aunt. A family friend who's grown so close for many of us that she may as well be blood related. A good lifelong and dear friend to my late grandmother.
I hope all is well in heaven.
And that they've prepared a seat on the great celestial mah-jong table.
wow. you've suddenly stirred up a beehive of activity here.
condolences on the aunt
nah - just getting back into the habit.
Once a day - once every few days.
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