29 November 2007

Wilter and wilted

Do I not work enough?
Sometimes it feels like the universe is telling me that much.

I guarantee this is how I'm feeling inside. How shell-like my skin and appearance to the outside world feels.

Not quite dead yet.

Dead End
I should have expected this to be where my job is.
But I tell myself it'll make a great portfolio. And it most likely will. If I can stand it for a year.
Or shorter.
I don't know.

Will have a meeting shortly with my Boss (Dato' Faridah') concerning a relatively large complaint with a regular client (paul Loosley) who's severely unsatisfied with my performance. And thats probably putting it mildly for him.
I'm certain the director (paul L) took it badly when I walked away from him in his mid-sermon to me, but I did so only after he asked me "Aren't you ashamed of the stuff you're putting out?"

Yea ... well ...

Will 411 you guys later.


You are a Serious Date

Your dating philosophy?
"Dating is for finding a compatible partner"
You're not so concerned with how you date...
As much as where the relationship ends up.

Guys to look for:
Men who write a good bit about what they're looking for.
Not only does it show that they are serious about dating as well -
But that they've already put a good deal of thought in to it.

You've Experienced 72% of Life

You have all of the life experience that most adults will ever get.
And unless you're already in your 40s, you're probably wise beyond your years.


Unknown said...

fuck that fat pudgy toad with a head for a prostate! this is one reason why i hate gwailos in this country..so bloody arrogant, think they own the place!

slap them thrice to remind them whose country they are in!

hope u gave him hell back...what a dick!

Kenny Mah said...

Hey, G., hope things are better now. When I read those last lines, I just went Ouch. I have produced less-than-sterling work before and more often than not, it's not from lack of creativity than simply lack of inspiration. The people we work with are important.


Things will get better. I know this. For you.

Loong said...

Nothing I say will make the situation better. But know that here is a friend who knows exactly what you're feeling now. *hugs*

Syar said...

Oh yikes. Them's fighting words.

Thought I'd check in on you, sorry to hear things are less than sparkling. I hope the work thing is resolved as manageably as possible. Hang in there!