Its interesting.
I’ve been in regular email exchange with an online person from across the planet over the past few weeks. Its … rekindled what I had enjoyed so much about pen-palling back when I was young.
Its different from the impersonal, un-signatured text messages of the many and now. I’ve taken to writing and responding to these emails as if they were written. So more care has been put into the words as well as content over expediency. Full sentences, even.

Every time I see what I think would be the perfect gift for a good friend or ex – I’m liable to ponder over it and with much luck and finances (hopefully), I’ll get it.
Then I’ll go about figuring if their birthday is around the corner so as to make an excuse to give it to them to stave the headache of actually finding a gift for the on their actual birthday.
I got a few recently, and I think they’d make wonderful gifts for them – its just weird cause I thought I’d be saving money but I can’t keep doing this (LOL!)
Anyways, now I know if I were a gazillion-bazillionaire, I’d actually spend a neat tidy sum on ‘perfect’ gifts for friends and families should I come across it without hesitation.

Its was … good and bad.
Saturday, after work I got about to hanging out with a good friend as usual. Saw the pseudo-Digi promotion for Fear Factor Prepaid freakshow. LOL! And saw something I think would make a nice house-warming prezzie for another mutual friend of outs whose moving into a new place over the next few months.
Sunday – I picked up a good friend visiting from Perth.
We were supposed to get to the KL FREEZE MOB … but by the time I drove to KL, car hunt for parking and what-not … it was too late to really truly participate.
Bah! Instead we had a nostalgic time going back to one of our nostalgic school memories. Its been there forever, the PJ A&W’s.
Took her over to the Aunt Tracy’s Mage Café (board games galore). It was good – since it what she does pretty frequently with her friends down in Perth occasionally, board game I mean.
She wants to go back there with more time to actually sit and play a game now. We’ll be going again this Friday night with much anticipation :D
Although I do understand the situation and its totally ok – things happen and you can’t help falling sick, I was disappointed my friends and I did NOT meet up for the Art Initiative scheduled for Sunday evening.
I had confirmed several days before and that early afternoon itself. But alas … things happen. I was really looking forward to it and as you could tell I suppose from my previous posts exactly how enthusiastic I was to get it under way.
Its going to be a little weird. Since logically it would have to postpone to next week.
But its more or less planned that in the coming weekend, there’s a stage script-writing workshop I want to attend.
Its not too tragic I know to make the choice. I know it’s a good opportunity to go for the workshop class (which is free with a small registration fee if I really wanted to and I’m pretty sure the others wouldn’t mind either.
But I also made a promise to myself and them …. That we would hold the Art Initiative for everyone’s benefit and keep to it no matter what because that was the point of it.
To blow it off for something else personal … would make me feel like I’m not giving anything my all.
Like I don’t know where my priorities or importance lie.
It’s a small matter, I will emphasize and I’ll lose little sleep over it when I do make my decision )no regrets after all), but for now … its still in the deciding stage.
Met up with a good friend to me and had a ball catching up.
Buying nifty ‘perfect’ gifts for people who matter to me.
Missing a Art Initiative meeting.
A somewhat stuck-up tattoo reception girl (when helping my friend set up an appointment for his first tattoo)
The wheels of mercy were turning
Her life came short within breaths
The water would claim her like a womb
Of sinking, dreary death
Her prayers to mother
Her mother’s mothers and save
Silent reverence reserved for hope
Condemned her to the grave
So she died a witch
No more cruel than those
Who themselves would bitch
With virtues as hollow as thorns
1 comment:
awww... ignore that biatch...she was only showing off, and acting like she was a mixed blood poodle! Bet if we were white or mixed, she would be licking her lips among other things!
Must have gotten her senses muddled with too much tattoo ink!
forget her.. so many other things to think about now!
p/s the information on the script-writing course is on on the KLPAC website? Was thinking of printing out a copy and showing it to my boss!
p/s/s ooo... for fun, we can all go to this ceramics arts and crafts shop in Hartamas Square..further from where we were the other weekend! Where Macdonald's is... and go pain ceramics stuff for rm30 bucks (paint and brushes included!)... what do you think? would be a fun thing to do and can involve your friends..dann, florence, priya?
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