I get the impression some philosophies treat life as a series of obstacles and challenges that must be overcome for personal betterment.
At times, it’s a never-ending struggle, but always with the promise something better lies beyond.
So when is it?
… this moment where it becomes worth it. Is the pleasure, reward, self-attainment and knowledge we get merely another step in the challenge? A lure, a goad, another stage?
For those who just enjoy life as it is – are they prepared for the challenges other life theorists speak of? Who is the better example to follow?
Somewhere in-between? Does it work that way? If we try, is it too late to go back once its done?

Still searching for that elusive, decent job that pays reasonably well at a comfortable location from home.
So friends have settled in with new jobs – others are currently on the hunt for another. I guess for the next few years, it will continue to be this way; caught between employment status.
Well, there are those who’ve begun counting their relationship anniversaries well into their 5+ years.
I’ve become …. The single friend.
All I have to do now is wait for the ‘blind date’s.
(hahahahaha) … I wish.
Yea – turns out my power supply unit konked out. Seriously, major mondo damage. It took out my motherboard. It just had to take out an expensive unit in the computer. At least my HD and files are ok.
But that delays my freelance work.
Not to mention, whatever I was charging is now going into my ‘computer fix’ drain.
( sigh )
Wishful thinking, I’m beginning to believe.
Little by little, it whittles away.
This dream of being swept and taken.
No more problems, they’re all now forsaken.
Casanova lies.
Urgles. You've just reminded me to back up my data. Yikes!
damn..sorry to heat out the power outage! damn! now i am worried! Even I using a voltage adapter, nothing is safe! sigh... sometimes i remember to unplug the power source..sometimes i don't and then, it fucking rains out of the blue! blech!!
Just stumbled across your blog. Great stuff.. can relate to some of the struggles mentioned. It's tough figuring out what we really want in life with all the conflicting emotions and challenges that life throws our way..
Yea! Definitely, back up back up back up!!!!!
Especially these days with everyones computer having a gazilionoid watts of Gig space and stuff ... sigh I'm still on 30 G / 512 Mb RAM computer :p
Yea - darn sensitive computers.
Actually I think soe of the older Dell models are going real cheap now! Should check them out!
Hey Anoynomous :D
Glad you ... actually i'm pretty surprised random people find this interesting (LOL) but I'm glad more than friends read this and appreciate it.
Guess the webs stranger than ever :D
Do you have a blog?
Nope, don't have one; one of those things that I've wanted to do, but never gotten around to it. I tend to journal more; haven't picked up the courage to express my deepest, darkest thoughts on the web yet! *grin*
Love the brutal, no-nonsense honesty in your blog.
Hey –A-
Its not exactly the easiest to keep it up (this regular journal), but I suppose for some its easier than others.
Some probably want to air all their grievances to the anonymous world at large then ake offense when the find others who contradict it.
That is to say IF –anything they pose is true to begin with-.
(ha ha)
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