Most people are on my back today ar work asking me projects all at once. I think they ambush plan just to work my nerves up. Adult Advisory
So while channel surfing, within a couple a minutes last night, lazy on the grey living room couch - I found mysefl listening to a couple of minutes of Oprah.
Just a few, but this one guest had a point.
The rest ... well, I didn't stay tuned long enough to understand. She was some sort of self-made Guru of something but thats not quite the point.
" ... write something good about your day. What made you happiest that day ..."
Yea, so its all this positive vibe gobbledegook but to a degree, theres definitely a point. Just to get through whatever personal tough times, we whisper to ourselves 'just a little longer', 'one more pace, one more breath, 2 more minutes, then its done ...' something to get us going just the extra inch or mile.
So what I'm saying here ... is may be I should.
A not so gentle reminder of what and how to see my day.
Highest Point of the Day
I finished a good friends tattoo design. I'm really happy with it. I'll post it when he actually gets it DONE for his birthday next week.
I finished and sent off one freelance job in the morning. Rushed ... but one done.
Got a free mag.
Saw a cute muscular lecturer in the rain taking his college Architectural class for a visit on my working theatre grounds. Taylor's college I believe they were from. And I wasn't shy about checking him out. I think the whole office knew.
One comment a colleague made was "Tsk tsk .. checking out the lecturer"
My retort "because the under-age students are yours ...."
Lowest Point of the Day.
So while channel surfing, within a couple a minutes last night, lazy on the grey living room couch - I found mysefl listening to a couple of minutes of Oprah.
Just a few, but this one guest had a point.
The rest ... well, I didn't stay tuned long enough to understand. She was some sort of self-made Guru of something but thats not quite the point.
" ... write something good about your day. What made you happiest that day ..."
Yea, so its all this positive vibe gobbledegook but to a degree, theres definitely a point. Just to get through whatever personal tough times, we whisper to ourselves 'just a little longer', 'one more pace, one more breath, 2 more minutes, then its done ...' something to get us going just the extra inch or mile.
So what I'm saying here ... is may be I should.
A not so gentle reminder of what and how to see my day.
Highest Point of the Day
I finished a good friends tattoo design. I'm really happy with it. I'll post it when he actually gets it DONE for his birthday next week.
I finished and sent off one freelance job in the morning. Rushed ... but one done.
Got a free mag.
Saw a cute muscular lecturer in the rain taking his college Architectural class for a visit on my working theatre grounds. Taylor's college I believe they were from. And I wasn't shy about checking him out. I think the whole office knew.
One comment a colleague made was "Tsk tsk .. checking out the lecturer"
My retort "because the under-age students are yours ...."
Lowest Point of the Day.
Evidently, its all due within 2 weeks og each other ... and quite soon. Too bad most of them related to each pothers projects so I hav to get them done systematically anyways ... sigh.
One comment a colleague made was "Tsk tsk .. checking out the lecturer."
My retort "because the under-age students are yours ...."
where are the polaroids? the pictorial evidence of this hunky lecturer of yours? sigh...why...why...least u get to see some nice eye candy... me... thus far, apart from another colleague, I am the only eye candy here worth eating!
yeaa...rad tattoo...where to put it eh?
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