Slumber of Youth
I’m not certain why I’m still have the sleeping habits of a troubled sleeper. This basically means I’m normally convincing myself to sleep. And I can’t seem to sleep for longer then 5 – 6 hours on average., If I do end up sleeping early due to exhaustion or work – I still end up waking up in the middle of the night.
The dark circles around my eyes – well, let’s say they’re a permanent feature now.
I think I’m still an insomniac.
Most material I’ve read mentions hat sleep is essential (d’oh) – but also to rest and build muscle. Like I don’t have enough trouble building muscle already with a high metabolism.
I’m not certain why I’m still have the sleeping habits of a troubled sleeper. This basically means I’m normally convincing myself to sleep. And I can’t seem to sleep for longer then 5 – 6 hours on average., If I do end up sleeping early due to exhaustion or work – I still end up waking up in the middle of the night.
The dark circles around my eyes – well, let’s say they’re a permanent feature now.
I think I’m still an insomniac.
Most material I’ve read mentions hat sleep is essential (d’oh) – but also to rest and build muscle. Like I don’t have enough trouble building muscle already with a high metabolism.

Old time
I had drinks a few nights ago, to which after 0 we dud the typical Malaysia thing and went out for eats courtesy of Ming Tien in PJ.
Great catching up.
There’s a lack of the bond we had back in school, but that expected isn’t it. She lives in Perth and I here. We aren’t commonly in communicando but we do ok with the long silences in between. We both have evolving lives and situations that ‘adult’ us away and … well – there’s still hope I guess.
But we’re still cool which is what I want to believe in. So it is.
We’re ok. :D

Actually looking forward to another session at the gym today. Real excited.
Strangely, my two good straight friends are also at the same gym. One is an old time member that recommended Celebrity Fitness to me and the other, well he just signed up yesterday I believe.
Cool – maybe we can get together this weekend and give tips – since I’m practically starting over again with exercise.

Yea! I designed a tattoo for a good friend, Vince last week for his birthday this Friday. We’re gonna try and get it for him soon since this recommended place (a colleague uses and swears by) is completely booked out till Mid-May!
And we do want a good tattoo artist.
You can see the design in the pic above!
The name in one circle, his Chinese rabbit sign (birth year) and his birthday Aries – and its all in a designed cluster. He’ll probably want it in red – we’ll get there and see. :p

Well, we’ll have to talk about this some time.
I may have spent a surplus this month. In simpler terms, I went over budget.
Even with the freelance work –pay that’s coming in trickles.
- The gym – the drinks (I rarely g out drinking with friends or myself so that’s a treat expense even if it is A LITTLE haha!), the sudden computer repair, the iPod Suffle.
Well –at least some of these were on my list of things to buy in the future already so its already done now rather than later.
I just have to stay away from other luxury expenses.
Crap I just realized I have to file for (income) taxes …. Well guess whose savings that’s going to dwindle down.
Enjoying the gym and the art initiative coming up this weekend. The tattoo.
Some trouble with the printers and deadlines at work.
Dad still harassing me to get a new job.
A return to prose and poetry in the nest few posts.
Cool tattoo!
hehehe..and it will be drawn on moi! :-d
perhaps with enough exercise... you will be able to sleep better! :-d
Thanks :S
We'll see- Muscles ares sore but in a good way. We'll see how your weekend goes.
I have a few things on my agenda this weekend so I'll have to perform a juggling act to keep up on a few things.
so I'm iffy about the RPG game is there's one this Sunday. There's a KL freeze flash mob I'm hoping to attend. (www.improvtheatre.com)
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