So I’ve been trying to be more civil to the father of the house, by selectively sharing bits of my job with him. The passing year were bad enough when he would moan and bitch about me not sharing my life with him and then accusing my mother of co-conspiring to make him feel excluded in his … yes, he says it loud and clear … HIS own house.
In an effort to be more civil, I share selective details.
Of course now, his ‘suggestions; to get a better job have moved from the friendly, ‘classified ads from the newspaper he clips and cuts with personal notes on them in a folder outside my room’ to ‘suggesting why any employer has to provide a annual bonus or raise necessary for the employee’s’ to ‘heavily suggesting and arguing the case on WHY this job he cut out from the newspaper us better than my current’.
Should I stay at this job just because …
Its not so bad- there are down sides, but there’s also upsides which I like ad I know I won’t get ion the new companies. That’s me being rational.
Me being vindictive would just stay and let him ramble on and get more frustrated why I’m in a dead-end job and that his suggestible efforts are being wasted.
Suggestion has gone too far into the realm of ‘telling what to do’,

I’m pretty glad I’m getting back into the habit of running games.
Sure, its shorter (duration) than the regular games from years back, but we can’t always expect to be the same. Let’s just hope for the best, we can be consistent.
Every other weekend, I would un a 2nd Ed. D&D game now. If on the alternate weekend someone else wants to run something or the group just wants a break – so be it.
Although, it has been brought up that one of the group members wants to run a 4th Ed. D&D game when it comes out in a month! Or rather … in Malaysia, 2 to 3 months from now!
I’ll be looking forward to that of course.
Best to make judgment on the system only AFTER we test it for ourselves, no?

Finally started my first session yesterday evening at the gym.
Got 2 free basic training sessions with the trainers at the location, so I acted like a beginners’ idiot. Considering I haven’t been using a gym for … 2 maybe 3 years now, best I really take it from the basics again, lest I forget.
(of yea- I took a progress shot. Going to take one a month to motivate me)
Personally, I know hat it was a lightweight exercise routine. It was really basic stuff with low weights. But there’s still a mini-soreness in my muscles on my upper body today. So I guess it was good, I started slow.
On the other hand, I was nursing a bad stomach. Damn you spicy’ nasi lemak’ I had for lunch! … and it was wrecking havoc with my insides as I worked out.

Going to see an old friend today.
I’m the worst at keeping contact with friends from overseas – I admit it. I’m much better at keeping them while their in the same country as me and contactable with a decent phone-call and drive away.
But she’s here.
Priya’s back for her cousin’s (she’s getting married to a guy from the OC – the location not the TV show … if it was the show, I’d be hooking up with some guy on the cast too, no shame, no gain!) wedding!
So I’ll be having drinks with her tonight.
Just to catch up – then next week perhaps, we’ll geek out a bit more.
And I’ve pampered myself.
I’ve saved a little aside so I bought the cheapest iPod I could afford.
One Gi iPod shuffle. Should be great tat the gym, no?
This is a long post so no prose.
ooooo...muscles eh? hehehehe...well, good to get healthy again.. give your body and face a healthy shine and perk your senses up so you'd be more apt to go our..see people..meet them.. fall in love, etc..etc...
your dad really has NOTHING to do..so he acts like he cares for you but is to ignorant about WHAT THE REAL WORLD is like compared to his 50 years ago!
bonus? ahahaha... who's dreaming more!
anyways...saturday's still on..ya?
Ahem. Yesssss... Your keeping in contact is limited to poking.
Still, thank gosh for Facebook!
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