Brewing stormsOk, there's a bit of thunder and lightning here.
Thunder from home -
It revolves around guilt, shame, embarrasment and pride. All of which costs me a half day's work. And none by my actions. Its the paternal source. Nutshelled, he tampered with mt car, left the light off, drained my battery, screwed my headlights and it took my 2 days of frustration to get it all right and juggle my time between work, theatre and home. Each one, lovingly providing a different stress of sorts.
Like a multi-focused shiatsu treatment to induce migraine.
Lightning from theatre -
A few discussions here and there to watch out for pitfalls, as realistic or unrealistic as they may , a gameplan for the worst case scenario might be in order. Case in point, we have some logistics problems, coupled with some worry that not everyone may make it to Penang at the end. I won't say its being pessismistic but the cast and crew arriving up is LARGE and its a possibility. I'd just like the show to go on, even without some actors or plays - though I know everyone would like to be there. But circumstances, no?
I won't peruse through the details, because its been done.
Its no longer fresh in my mind, and heart.
So it'll pass by easier in my memory and writing.
But it does churn the bowels.
Its weird, how you can go looking for some jobs while uemployed and have no bites, yet once you begin working - there's a few very GOOD and readily available Vacancies that come into contact.
Even oppotunities to be in a workplace with a couple of cute guys around.
Double Bah!
Aging and death
Ok, not quite as morbid; I do feel like my metabolism is slowing down. I can .... assure my feeling, my gut instinct thats coaxing me into slowing down. To understand the coined term 'my body is betraying me'.
And every betrayal, even those you expect can still be surprising.
If I've not mentioned it before - I believe I will grow into an angry man, if I'm not already one.
I may risk jeapordising some critical and personal information here (not mine, coz I'm all for people knowing my business), but I may be pleasently distracted in future productions.
Let's hope not too distracted.
And for those who have the know-how to put 2 and 2 together.
Please keep your 5 cents to yourselves. Its a personal issue and, please do not push your curiosity on others in this regard. Rude, obnoxious and lastly, if not least - very inconsiderate and unbecoming of professional behaviour if you were to act in disregard on this matter.
Bug me all you like, but know this.
I will not appreciate should I know that anyone I know personally, has jeapordized this opportunity.
Hell may hath had a fury like a woman scorned, but trust me when I say - she learnt her tactics from a gay man.
Age has embittered me, and theres little fact more lethal and an aged queens claws.
Not sure I understood even half of this but I'm guessing it includes a road trip and a queer-trained Fury from Hell. Loadsa angst for a Wednesday morning... :P
Angst doesnt count days, just hours till its sweet sweet Ares release.
Ah. Man of War we are, are we?
with poisonous Jelly tentacles and all!
I want a man to ... ummmm vent my .. erhhmmm frustration out on to :D
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