Weathered friends aside, the cats and dogs fly sky high.
Traffic runs amok and the moon glows single eyed brights across the night, the clouds part in its glory.
And I speak to old friends, now and back then.
Brevity and the Afterlife
Yup, thats what happened the last few days in a nutshell.
Cheng Meng lept me busy all weekend.
Its seems the dead (if you aren't aware, we chinese burn paper replicas of real world items that we feel the dead might need in the afterlife) - as a trend because us Chinese ghosts are by far the most modernistic in the world, - require Viagra.
Yes, we enterprising chinese spirits are well up on our latest health technologies, Viagra!
So my Aunt burnt her some paper birth control pills.
I'm at KLPac now.
Doing work on the dual-core I-power MACs.
Both of them.
Forked choices
To have options, perhaps in light of saving money on petrol and time - I may move to an apartment of place closer to KL or even within the heart of the beast itself. I have a good friend sussing out places for me. But I did get an interesting thought.
I was helping my ex move into his new place after shopping for some simple furniture on my off-day. Oh yes, I did get a short stint of rest.
I was thinking, maybe I could semi-bunk over on late weeknights or something. His place isn't far at all to my workplace and would save me the traffic, petrol and trouble of leaving the city. We have to discuss boundaries of course, so we're clear. But I guess when you're better off as friends, there's little danger of horrific temptation to start thing over, right?
That and the fact I'm really over him.
I've let go of any romantic notions.
But I don't want him getting any ideas, He can start all the drama externally with his own network of friends. I don't care, I don't know them but yea ... let him do all that.
I just have a place to bunk and save money in the long run with good company to boot.
Was thinking of a getting a PS2 as well.
Splurge ...
I had a major migraine at the Drams and missed a small case of drama.
Tsk tsk, I was even in the room ... ( sigh ) Guess you can't catch them all. The people at Pokemon lied.
I've been getting some lovely SMS's from a Malay guy in Cheras.
'Nuff said for now.
Weathered friends aside, the cats and dogs fly sky high.
Traffic runs amok and the moon glows single eyed brights across the night, the clouds part in its glory.
And I speak to old friends, now and back then.
Brevity and the Afterlife
Yup, thats what happened the last few days in a nutshell.
Cheng Meng lept me busy all weekend.
Its seems the dead (if you aren't aware, we chinese burn paper replicas of real world items that we feel the dead might need in the afterlife) - as a trend because us Chinese ghosts are by far the most modernistic in the world, - require Viagra.
Yes, we enterprising chinese spirits are well up on our latest health technologies, Viagra!
So my Aunt burnt her some paper birth control pills.
I'm at KLPac now.
Doing work on the dual-core I-power MACs.
Both of them.
Forked choices
To have options, perhaps in light of saving money on petrol and time - I may move to an apartment of place closer to KL or even within the heart of the beast itself. I have a good friend sussing out places for me. But I did get an interesting thought.
I was helping my ex move into his new place after shopping for some simple furniture on my off-day. Oh yes, I did get a short stint of rest.
I was thinking, maybe I could semi-bunk over on late weeknights or something. His place isn't far at all to my workplace and would save me the traffic, petrol and trouble of leaving the city. We have to discuss boundaries of course, so we're clear. But I guess when you're better off as friends, there's little danger of horrific temptation to start thing over, right?
That and the fact I'm really over him.
I've let go of any romantic notions.
But I don't want him getting any ideas, He can start all the drama externally with his own network of friends. I don't care, I don't know them but yea ... let him do all that.
I just have a place to bunk and save money in the long run with good company to boot.
Was thinking of a getting a PS2 as well.
Splurge ...
I had a major migraine at the Drams and missed a small case of drama.
Tsk tsk, I was even in the room ... ( sigh ) Guess you can't catch them all. The people at Pokemon lied.
I've been getting some lovely SMS's from a Malay guy in Cheras.
'Nuff said for now.
Delight, Ignite
Enigmatic and Distant.
Make-up for death,
Acronym for the dead.
From the spark to the end.
Delight, Ignite
Enigmatic and Distant.
Make-up for death,
Acronym for the dead.
From the spark to the end.
If your ex is ok with it and you're ok with it, then the arrangement can work out fine.
the paper viagra and birth control pills thing is hilarious.
sounds like the ararngement with your ex could be a money saver. just be careful to make sure things don't go wrong.
HEHEHEHE.... oooo... smses from a male admirer! what? he thinks u r malay then eh?
I'm ok, ... I'll talk to him about it - but it seems promising so far.
Paper viagra and pills, what will they think of next :D
Too bad my grandmother couldn't use a computer, or we'd burn her a laptop, and she coulnt use the manual either, she was illiterate in life :p
I know, err to the side of caution in this case :D
But the money saver is a huge thing - (hugs)
Ah, you shall know soon ... i think.
what drama?!?!??!??
D'you want me to help you look for a place as well??
As Reuben and Brana very aptly put it; I am the queen of all things to do with expansive things, or things that require a big sum... like a place to live in, for instance...:)
Doesn't really make sense... heh...
Let me know ok? My dad "plays around" with property.... might have something for you.... :)
NO!!!!!!! Don't splurge on the PS2 at THIS time!!!! wait another 6 months or so, save more money, go for a PS3 when it becomes more established... the wonders of this machine I tell you........ OR go for the new Nintendo with the motion sensor remote/controller.... it is THE BOMB I tell you...... or if you want to budget a bit but still get the newer more advanced systems, xbox 360!.... the point is, PS2 is the worst buy right now la!! And the price will keep dropping very rapidly... soon they will stop producing games for PS2 and everyone will move to PS3 then you'll be at a big lost and your PS2 won't have value if you want to sell it off at that time....
See... told you I'm the queen of Splurge-land kingdom... :)
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