Okay – something has to had happened.
At least by now.
Is it that time of year again?
I’m gonna be quitting this city’s job in a couple of months, which experience had taught me anything can be over in a flash. Then the whole worry of where money would be coming in will begin to annoy me again.
So what do I have to lose when I’m making this next decision.
Nothing that I haven’t’ already had, considered, would have, risked already.
Besides buying a lottery ticket on my birthday and hoping I will strike RM 4 mil. Richie rich like this other dude from a couple years back who played for the first time.
So … here’s to whether the Piscean or the Equine will win out this Rodentia year. Or at least strike a mutual beneficial bargain!

Yes … I will applying to the AXN Asia’s Amazing Race.
… if I can find an idiot who’s willing to take the risk with me.
That is if by the slimmest of chances we even make it to the final selection round. Chances are even if I make it to be one the 10 teams from Asia to compete, I’ll still be happy to be the first few eliminated – at least I got to see a few countries (LOL)!!! ... and you only turn 30 once.

And even though I’m not the biggest fan of his …
Be within touching distance of the physically hunky Allan Wu.
Hey, I may have little respect for him (since I don’t know him) – but DAMN! He’s a hottie McHottie Hunk! And that goes especially to what seems to be his intelligent gait and demeanor. That’s turns me on!
_ sigh _ which is why I try to avoid guys like him … coz I know I’ll make all the wrong decisions if I got anyone like him.
But enough about that – I have issues.
Kinda feeling turquoise all over, not quite green with envy.
Knowing so many people doing stuff I wish I could and hen mildly feeling flaked over cause I wasn’t part of it by proxy of being their ‘assumed’ friend.
I guess that reminds me of how much of an acquaintance I’ve been to anybody I meet most of the time.
Or I don’t fit the glamour-kin profile. (( sigh ))
Closing Time
I've barely saved what I wanted to save this month even though I've cut on expenses and half my lunches (by D'oh, not eating) and eating at home and not out.
Hating it.
1 comment:
Ya got to eat more, dude. Advice I'm currently taking cos I fear I'm currently even skinnier than you, bro. Egads!
But anyway, I hope you did have a good CNY. Failing which, there's still more of the Tahun Tikus to come, no?
And I'd love to see you in the Amazing Race! Can't imagine who your partner would be though... It'd be innerestin'... fer sure.
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