SEX: Is that what its all about?
Realistically, honestly, brutally - yes. But not in its entirety. Its really simple but in context to anything and everything else in life, utterly complicated and elusively difficult to put a finger as to why ...
Perhaps, its like a beat. A primal basic beat, which is great and could subsists primarily as a good drumline melody of sorts; but pales solo when supplemented by melody and chords and harmony. Even the nicest melodies plays strong and magnanimous with the right beat.
Gosh! Enough with the musical metaphors!
Yea, I'm still trying to figure things out.
My mild infatuation is sloughing over nicely I think. Perhaps its just pleasant to be in good graces and company (not that I don't have great friends, but you know what i mean) of a good looking guy who's ALSO intelligent, has a sense of humour, passionate and curious.
I think I'm improving, although sometimes the popular consensus on some images I post surprise me. Some doodads doodles get more attention than the more painstaking ones. its one of the quirks of life, eh?
Theres a nice performance writing and poetry workshop coming up soon - but I may have to miss the 1st day (of2 days) coz I won't be able to leave work and make it there on time. (( sad sad face ))
The last time British Council arranged this, I loved the workshop.
Perhaps, its not meant this time around.
Friends and Stuff
Dynamics are beginning to change, are pretty soon it seems between some of my friendships; and I can't say if its for the better or not. We'll have to see, but I won't hold me breath. If anything else, my recent infatuations have taught me that much.
Who knew, thats the last 2 guys in the last 5 months thats I really liked both fizzled.
Perhaps, I'll write about the other one another time - yea, he moved to Melaka and its wouldn't; the whole across cities thing, work out. Especially since we've only met a couple of times. Nothing serious, just ... disappointed it couldn't be explored.
I still want to try for Amazing Race since competitions are slowly getting out of my league as I approach the 30s age bracket.
There's also the UK drama exchange program, CloudBreak. A grueling series of auditions to follow, but what the hey - what else do I have to look forward to.
Realistically, honestly, brutally - yes. But not in its entirety. Its really simple but in context to anything and everything else in life, utterly complicated and elusively difficult to put a finger as to why ...
Perhaps, its like a beat. A primal basic beat, which is great and could subsists primarily as a good drumline melody of sorts; but pales solo when supplemented by melody and chords and harmony. Even the nicest melodies plays strong and magnanimous with the right beat.
Gosh! Enough with the musical metaphors!
Yea, I'm still trying to figure things out.
My mild infatuation is sloughing over nicely I think. Perhaps its just pleasant to be in good graces and company (not that I don't have great friends, but you know what i mean) of a good looking guy who's ALSO intelligent, has a sense of humour, passionate and curious.
I think I'm improving, although sometimes the popular consensus on some images I post surprise me. Some doodads doodles get more attention than the more painstaking ones. its one of the quirks of life, eh?
Theres a nice performance writing and poetry workshop coming up soon - but I may have to miss the 1st day (of2 days) coz I won't be able to leave work and make it there on time. (( sad sad face ))
The last time British Council arranged this, I loved the workshop.
Perhaps, its not meant this time around.
Friends and Stuff
Dynamics are beginning to change, are pretty soon it seems between some of my friendships; and I can't say if its for the better or not. We'll have to see, but I won't hold me breath. If anything else, my recent infatuations have taught me that much.
Who knew, thats the last 2 guys in the last 5 months thats I really liked both fizzled.
Perhaps, I'll write about the other one another time - yea, he moved to Melaka and its wouldn't; the whole across cities thing, work out. Especially since we've only met a couple of times. Nothing serious, just ... disappointed it couldn't be explored.
I still want to try for Amazing Race since competitions are slowly getting out of my league as I approach the 30s age bracket.
There's also the UK drama exchange program, CloudBreak. A grueling series of auditions to follow, but what the hey - what else do I have to look forward to.
"Some doodads doodles get more attention than the more painstaking ones."
thats always been a thing with you hasn't it? I remember even in high school you used to be surprised at how much people liked your doodles and quick sketches. maybe theres something in that? :D
ohhhh my ohhhh my,hummmmm....... chill mate it will all fall to place soon... i guess.... hummmmmm...hey gary, an a stupid question for the moment... what are my "chances" if i were to be gay?
>> Cursed ... CURSED I TELL Ya!!!!!!
Apparently the doodies and doodads sketches people like not because of execution - but mostly coz its a direct literal piece. very little layers to think, ponder, consider or awe at ...
>> 'Pop' Art if you will call it.
bah ... =*.0=
Drama King
>>Stupid Questions demand Stupid Answers, ... but thats not a really stupid question. Its ... hypothetical.
>>On the cheeky side:
I'd answer - Depends on how 'schmexy' you can get *wink wink explode*
>>On the serious side:
Hard to say. To be honest, I wouldn't have considered any person who publicly identifies themselves as straight with any potential, because I respect them enough that the possibility isn't there at all, so why complicate. Harmless flirtation but beyond that - its all in jest.
I've seen too much frustration of unrequited emotional baggage because of difference of choice, not because of other extenuating circumstance. This is just one I wouldn't cross.
But if the opportunity would present itself and some come into the light as professing more romantic interest contrary to general belief - then I'd reconsider. The dynamics have changed; and requires another set of thoughts and feelings to be explored and ... well felt. And I have even gone as far to respect some guys before whom I've dated; their insistence of staying in the closet or keeping it secret. It was between us, and no more.
So perhaps.
I rarely say no outright to any possibility.
>>To get to the point.
I cannot say there was an intensity or any sort of initial 'draw' or 'pull' but there are many other qualities that become apparent when considering yourself as potential.
Until then, I hypothesize only.
ah, I'm afraid we all just don't understand your genius then.
ps, thanks for the explanation though. now it does make sense why that used to (and still does) upset you so much.
Good grief... Drama King... sayang, u really drama. How can u cross over to the other side on me! We can't have Gary have his wicked way with u! What are my chances gonna be if all the thoughtful, good, single, STRAIGHT men go gay?! :-P
Gary... I wanna join the Amazing Race too!
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