Burnt out.
I'm not really giving up on the notion I could meet someone whom I like and actually likes me back ... coz if I did - I know I'd end up with someone I really don't want to be with just coz I could but that wouldn't be fair to him at all.
Probably to me, as well.
Barring the extenuating circumstance that kept a few before from any chance of pursuing further exploration based on external factors (or perhaps well crafted excuses to cease all contact with me; but let's stay positive, ok?), I think I've gone beyond the point of asking ...
whats wrong with me?
While we could all use personal self exploration, improvement and growth, I really don't think there's anything socially/romantically aversive anymore. Yes, I could use a bigger, firmer pecs and outstanding six-abs but I'm still pretty happy with that I have.
My persona - so far I've not made my circle of friends cringe whenever I speak or appear. And I know if anyone is to be attracted to me, its those qualities he'll be attracted to and not some other imaginary change is isn't who I am; no pretense.
Karma much?
So ... maybe fate hates me.
This is giving credit to the fact that this existential concept has a notion of emotion. That it, he or she does pick favourites and would explain why life is unfair, and other much more fortunate in general. As far I'm as I'm concerned, fortune does not favour the brave - its favours whoever it likes ...
Some priorities work for others, and I could always adopt it and be much more content about my place in life now; but I know it wouldn't work for me. I've tried, several, others, none really work. I couldn't get into the groove of priorities that just didn't work for me.
And so I rant.
Damned if I know whether this blog thing is therapeutic. I know its the fastest most public journal/diary entry in the world. but frankly - I have absolutely nbo qualms about people shatting all over my opinions anyways. Fate has that kind of perverse humour streak.
I'm thinking of moving to KL.
Other job opportunities, other men, other life.
... maybe ...
Yea: Took the test 3 times, same answer. Oer ...
You scored as Otherkin. You are Otherkin. You identify with otherworldy beings and feel you are truly something other than human. You are only biding your time here until you can return to where you truly belong. You seek others who share your yearnings and spend your time commiserating with those you like and mocking the ones you don't.
What Subversive Alternative Paradigm Are You? created with QuizFarm.com |
Ok, I went all out extreme in my answers now! (basically all my choices are based on if I never get caught or convicted for crime and punishment).
You scored as Discordian. You are a Discordian! That makes you a real oddball, and this is a fact in which you take great pride! Everything is funny, and really, who cares anyway? Synchronicity is the Great Cosmic Comedy, and meaning is where you find it! Have you hugged your paradigm today? |
Ok, its worse.
The Lord works in mysterious ways. ^.^
If you want something badly enough, you will get it.
or maybe I should be bad to get it :/
Caution to the wind... Live a lil! Hehehe... :-P
yeah, man. that's what i meant by wanting badly enough. you have to want it so much, you gotta do whatever it takes. you gotta keep trying and trying all the methods and resources you have before yah. :3
(sarcastic rolling of the eyes)
I have few resources and I've already tried tapping some friends to help me set up 'dates' .... to no avail .... i hate my friends ... (LOL)!
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