There's moss beneath all out idle thoughts. We draw too much comfort from it sometimes. Even when we're spontaneous, there's a personal comfort there.
I'm going to help a good friend celebrate being let go of his job. And in turn, resolve to just ... stick by mine until they find the balls to fire me. Or I find myself getting comfortable there.
Whoever blows up first.
Ylang Ylang
I like that word for some reason. The smell, ... not so great.
The subject name is greater than the object function.
There's a play, a story maybe. Its in my head somewhere, so I'm trying to find out how long it'll take for it to reach my eyes, ears, mouth and my fingers. I'm waiting for its voice to be heard, whether be it soft or loud. I certainly can't rush it, but I can goad it into existence.
Time is of the essence here.
Its interesting. I may have already sought a line-up for a producer, publicist, stage manager that I may want and outline plan/proposal for my play next year. Its set for June, but it may be cutting close to other events - especially work. So I'll be flexible - Late April showers to June Bloom.
There's moss beneath all out idle thoughts. We draw too much comfort from it sometimes. Even when we're spontaneous, there's a personal comfort there.
I'm going to help a good friend celebrate being let go of his job. And in turn, resolve to just ... stick by mine until they find the balls to fire me. Or I find myself getting comfortable there.
Whoever blows up first.
Ylang Ylang
I like that word for some reason. The smell, ... not so great.
The subject name is greater than the object function.
There's a play, a story maybe. Its in my head somewhere, so I'm trying to find out how long it'll take for it to reach my eyes, ears, mouth and my fingers. I'm waiting for its voice to be heard, whether be it soft or loud. I certainly can't rush it, but I can goad it into existence.
Time is of the essence here.
Its interesting. I may have already sought a line-up for a producer, publicist, stage manager that I may want and outline plan/proposal for my play next year. Its set for June, but it may be cutting close to other events - especially work. So I'll be flexible - Late April showers to June Bloom.
Oh yes - it is.
A strange numerical coincidence on the Junos Calender.
He measured it six more times to make it right. It had to be perfect. It must be precise, or it would reflect badly on him, on his work. On the guys at work. There was so much pressure to perform the correct technique, find the right approach and place just the right amount of attention to it.
He realized he held his breath in and steadied a slow breath out. "Need only 2 more like this", he thought to himself. The shine of a well worked blade touched the unbroken cheek softly.
Gently, he whispered to himself.
now the guys at work will have something to mull over. They'll marvel over the work and think, how great the puzzle will be when it is finally revealed. How pleased they would be to know they were following so well, and how well he taught them.
He pushed, and she bled.
wow... I really love your blog. the way you write, it's amazing. and the prose or poetry at the end of every entry... beautiful!
yea a new fan! as opposed to air-conditioners! but newer!
You deserve (( hugs )) pensive reverie!
( hugs )
*squeeze tightly
I think anyone's blog can be amazing if its true to themselves :D Everyone's fascinating in their way :p
and yes, I do like that little ditty I write at the end of my posts. I think it encourages a more open way od expression, a release .... and a closing to settle especially those louder angrier raw posts.
*blush* thanks again!
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