Ball bearing
This weekend is busted.
I've worked a half day (saturday) at KLPac and I'm putting in an extra full day at Bukit Jalil today (Sunday)
But there's some insane, twisted logic behind this for sure.
Being at KLPac means I get to sweep finish my contract work quickly. And out of the way. I also got verbal confirmation on being hired on a full time employment there ... in KL (partly groanin). Sundays work, is because my of current expertise in a program which they haven't anyone trained to do yet and it does mean helping them get out the last few set of books. I'm getting paid extra for sure. I may also take a day off during the week when its over. Just coz.
I may even use the day to call out a certain someone.
But baseline fact - I lost the weekend.
but in the process I told off this nice, but overly dependant guy (bordring on SMS stalking). I think he got the message. No matter how tactful one can and should be, no amount of etiquette quiet fixes some problems that require dire intervention of candor.
Beside the workload, what so there really?
My indecision to decide when I want to move out? How I will deal with the lingering issues of home while away from home?
I'm sure I'd figure something out by then - but for now, it nags.
Tugging tenaciously.
But I have to try and stick to principles.
My principles; the ones that make my life worth waking up to and looking back and knowing I did myself right.
Hey, no regrets, right?
Daisy Wheel
Only a few more weeks to the show - and I think I got one of my major roles down. The other, I gotta really devote some time to memorize the lines and do some intensive exploration.
I just need to filter out the bad shit that is, can and will happen.
I don't need it.
No more than I already have,
And bite my tongue.
Sometimes I feel absoultely Spartan about my words.
And yes,
men in loincloths and capes
It was a great story, somewhat cliche, (dialogue), a bit predictable but then again its an old tale and an epic legendary story so it follows narrative conventions of old (which is great in its way), but forceful, and intensive. Execution was lovely for a visual narrative.
but yea.
They can spear me anyday.
This weekend is busted.
I've worked a half day (saturday) at KLPac and I'm putting in an extra full day at Bukit Jalil today (Sunday)
But there's some insane, twisted logic behind this for sure.
Being at KLPac means I get to sweep finish my contract work quickly. And out of the way. I also got verbal confirmation on being hired on a full time employment there ... in KL (partly groanin). Sundays work, is because my of current expertise in a program which they haven't anyone trained to do yet and it does mean helping them get out the last few set of books. I'm getting paid extra for sure. I may also take a day off during the week when its over. Just coz.
I may even use the day to call out a certain someone.
But baseline fact - I lost the weekend.
but in the process I told off this nice, but overly dependant guy (bordring on SMS stalking). I think he got the message. No matter how tactful one can and should be, no amount of etiquette quiet fixes some problems that require dire intervention of candor.
Beside the workload, what so there really?
My indecision to decide when I want to move out? How I will deal with the lingering issues of home while away from home?
I'm sure I'd figure something out by then - but for now, it nags.
Tugging tenaciously.
But I have to try and stick to principles.
My principles; the ones that make my life worth waking up to and looking back and knowing I did myself right.
Hey, no regrets, right?
Daisy Wheel
Only a few more weeks to the show - and I think I got one of my major roles down. The other, I gotta really devote some time to memorize the lines and do some intensive exploration.
I just need to filter out the bad shit that is, can and will happen.
I don't need it.
No more than I already have,
And bite my tongue.
Sometimes I feel absoultely Spartan about my words.
And yes,
men in loincloths and capes
It was a great story, somewhat cliche, (dialogue), a bit predictable but then again its an old tale and an epic legendary story so it follows narrative conventions of old (which is great in its way), but forceful, and intensive. Execution was lovely for a visual narrative.
but yea.
They can spear me anyday.
Ode, emote
scant delights
much sense it made to me
to know there wasn't any
said, my cerebellum
to the deaf cochlea.
---Ode, emote
scant delights
much sense it made to me
to know there wasn't any
said, my cerebellum
to the deaf cochlea.
Brother, I know how you feel... My whole weekend just disappeared with freelance work, meetings, BodyBalance classes. And tomorrow the workweek starts anew! Ga.
And this on my supposed break from the rat race. Wait till I return to a full-time job next month. I'm so dead.
Can't wait to catch 300 --- bought the original issues when they first came out --- I love it when Frank Miller collaborates with Lynn Varley (his colourist cum wife) and they get it right. (Don't remind me about DK2; ugh!)
Saw some posters up for 300. Have to go check it out i think. *lol* being a comic book fan, how could I not. ANd your report sounds good enough that I don't think I'll be wasting my money.
spppeeeeeeeaaaaarrrr ....
ya ... we'll see how things get going when you begin you full time schedule. You'll have to trim the fat from somewhere :p
300 - wasn't totally without it faults, but for the sheer pleasure of watching something 'cinematic' - it was good!
Yea :D ...
Like i said before, not the best but it can offer more to those that seek a much deeper reflection into the movie. Or if you;re shallow, the action pleases as verily. :D
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