04 March 2007

Dust to Dust, Dose by Dose


Week-ends and day-ends
I though, maybe it'll be a quiet start to the weekend. Perhaps punctuated by boredom, with high hope of productivity as usual. But as i write this, I htink it was a decent day that turned out decent rather than becoming just another day.

It began like most Saturdays, unsure of how it would pan out as the sun rose and set. I spend most of the afternoon and evening with my good friend Vince and joined later at dinner with his boyfriend. It was pleasant and hopefully the 2 games I bought would tide me boredom over.
Especially since I finally uninstalled my 3 year MMO-WorldOfWarcraft.

But the evening sojourn to Kelvin's CNY open house was sjaky. Some uncertain company and most of the night lounging about eating and gambling. Until it left, the four of us, Mel, Kel, Emily and myself. Once the bed antics began and the truth spilled out ... I think it began productive and remained that way till now ... presently at 5 .30 am as I write this.

As it may how life is, there's something to do. Always, neither bad or good- it remains neutral until treated otherwise.
How else should I descirbe it? Scouts credo ... or was it morro: Always hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Best not to question the boy scouts, especially if they've gradutaed into hot studly Eagle Scout men!

I'm glad I took a chance and did my string of auditions that currently leads me into this foray into playwriting, acting and theatre. It really ... goes give more dimension to my situation now. I'm ... going to have to remind myself of that every now and then.
Can't complain no matter what, I really chose this ... I did.
And I'm glad.



Anonymous said...

playwriting is definitely an interesting path you've taken. One I wouldn't have normally seen you in. The acting bit wasn't such a surprise. I hope it leads to places, good places.

Anonymous said...

Just keep it up, bro. Keep doing what interests you first, and you'll be amazed where it might lead ya. Did the trick for me. ;)