08 March 2007

Nooners and Nuts

I guess I've always wanted to write them.

Like I've always wanted to start a comic, the several drafts for webcomics. Naturally they've all failed or I'd be rich from all the failed start-ups.
But ok, I try writing short stories. Hmmm, kinda worked for awhile and suddenly that was it.
Writing songs ... ok, I put that one in for a lark.
Novels; ok, I attempted just to see.
Yea, need to spend more than a month on it really.

But playscripts.

Especially shorties (10-minutes) seem to be the charm as of late.

've written about 5 short plays so far and am drafting an hour long play as well.

There's something organic about it that flows when I write. The characters, the dialogue, the story behind the scenes. The unspoken physical movements and silences between lines.
I'm already trying to come up with more concepts.

Career line Life line Love line
On the line. I'm considering KL, because it may give me a valid enough reason to move out closer to the city. Not that I'd want to move out any closer to the city. I have to admit to knowing very little about driving in KL, since I try and avoid it at all costs.
But that was before ...
Mixed thoughts- this moving issue. Its not like I haven't moved out and stayed by myself or with roomies before; but ... i don't know.
Against my better practical judgement, I suppose.
I can try and rationalize and reason that its closer and less hassle and less stress on travel. But an equally powerful argument in my head is that the money I save staying at home (rent, lodging, utilities) pretty much makes up for the travel time, tolls, petrol and car check-ups.

Back, behind and left.

I miss throwing caution to the wind.

I miss turning my back to the wind.

I miss not being able to look back.

No throwing stone, scattering a soft clatter on the packed dry dirt.
Calamity put on a new dress, Jane's plane landed.

Vice City

Now I don't smoke, don't mind if others but wouldn't pick it up.
Can't really take the smell nor taste. But I feel like having a more common vice.Something studly ... not q requisite but it'd be nice.

Drinking? expensive and beer belly.

Drugs? Expensive and hard to find.

Tattoos? expensive and ... well, it won't go away.
Piercings? I actually like my skin. But I wouldn't mind a small one somewhere.
Acts of larceny? Too much effort, too little reward.
Oh woe is me.



Anonymous said...

You know, the bubble-headed scientists have proven that you don't get a beer belly from drinking beer. People get beer bellies from all the junk food they consume while drinking (chips, nuts, etc).

Theres the simple vice like coffee. Aggressive driving? Living in M'sia you'll be halfway towards that vice anyway.

Doreen said...

tattoos are so NOT a vice! = P

get them somewhere on your back, so you won't have to look at it when you don't want to :)

G said...

What? Damn scientists ...
Coffee, actually I've weaned myself off coffee. Want to keep whatever white is remaining on my teeth :p

but but I want to stare at my tattoo all the time if I get one!
but I hear it hurts on the face, even tho I want one there.
(oer - that probably kill my acting o nstage career won't it :p) or tv for that matter.