19 March 2007

Lesson Blue Regarde


There's a lesson to learn in there somewhere.
But i'm blind and bound to honour its camouflage.
Its the Malaysian way.

I did have a rather productive weekend. The buzz word being productive placed rather contradictory in the same sentence as weekend. For emphasis, so you know.
But I like my rest.
I like to know I have the personal space and time to do my own, to be my own, whatever it is and whatever it can be.

I smite thee, necessity.
I savour your son, invention
And I shall spike his virgin essence with renewed vigour
on your hallowed shock and reverie.
Ignorant of your want, of your rancour.
His labour will taste fine, sweet, plush
I smite thee

Suite suite nights
I have this plan, yes.
This one opulent scheme, but will it pan out- we shall see.
It requires a hotel room.
Holiday Inn, thats sort of thing.

Tribulation and tribbles
Both the thrills and shivers at the new job.
Yea, like totally man.

But yea, like I recommend - if you don't want to really think but its still fun to listen to : Jack Black's Tenacious D - Pick of Destiny. Its brainless but musical and mostly a practice in impromptu scenes.

See above.


Anonymous said...

Uh oh, G's planning and scheeming. somebody's in trouble. :P

Has Tenacious D got a new album out? Have to go find it.

Doreen said...

me likey personal space too... the solitary silence, left alone to my own device *rub palms together* ngek ngek ngek.

Holiday Inn? If you must do H.I., I recommend the Duplex suite at Holiday Inn Glenmarie. hehe. I know, Glenmarie, like WTF right? Oh, you mean it's not a getaway? = P

Anonymous said...

Whatever the plan is... 'ooo rah for it! =P

Kenny Mah said...

Jack Black? I have loved the man since High Fidelity. He rocks. Like, really. Hahahaha....