22 March 2007

Till the bulb burns out


I could post something work-related.
Art related, externally related -something tangible!
I could post substantials and current events of more material relations.
I could post the books I've read or will read or what to read.
The WIPs of artwork, the favourites around the web.
I coud post excerpts.
I could ...

Nothings stopping me.
I guess thats the point isn't it.

Stairways go both ways
Nothing really stops up from doing what we want or need. Except for those itself: want and need.
Its not often they both share the same lofty goals.
Its harder still to fulfill both.

So for every little boxed up category we have for our lives, to make it more coherent, understandable, - bearable - we compromise.
Between the two.
Treading the balance.
And to consciously (or subconsciously) take account for every word and action we commit outside ourselves.
Only to pander our myriad insecurities inside with abandon.

The scale has dipped back down to Nada-land, home of the Zilches.
They're all throwing the parade of the Barren and singing praises to Zip- their Zero deity of Nothingness.
Some hours in a day, I feel like saying yes to the first decent looking guy to approach me for any inappropriate acts of indecency. And then, yes to the next four, maybe six depending on mood.

One more week here.
Must bear.
Gotta try and take off 2 days ealier here, so I can have some rest before starting at KLPac.

Dram Drama
I feel a little bad.
Just a wee bit, but it'll pass soon.
I reprimanded a my director (sort of) and my stage manager for not informing me of a rehearsal cancellation. I could have been nicer.
I guess thats where your age shows: You tend to take an older authoratative, no-holds-barred, no stepping back nor down stance when giving some youngin' a piece of your mind.
Been done is done.
Quick to anger, quick to pass.
I gave out hugs and all that- phew .... Hugs are magic, you know that.
Go ahead.

Dear Loverly
You know you should.
Go ahead. Give your favourite someone a hug today. In fact, give someone a hug everyday. Anyone, from family to friends.
its a common, warm heartfelt expression which takes little but means a lot.
And its healthy, I suppose, but I'm no doctor. I believe it does give off a good vibe nonetheless.
Its less committing than a kiss, I can tell you that!

(( hugs ))


Anonymous said...


well, you sound less angry and more...resigned (for lack of a better word). Is the key word in that sentence "sound"?

Doreen said...

hugs u toooooo!

remember to upload a final copy of the poster! Higher res ah. Must do hardcore marketing now :)

G said...

Repressive anger issues needing to work its way out.

This doesntl look like its going to be an easy week. Leaving one job to go to the next.
New job pressuring me to do more even before I officially begin (since I freelance for them too; i think since I'm eventaully joining them) --- and the job I'm leaving is trying to squeeze as much work as possible, coz I've already DONE and finished me workload here and fast ... getting me to do more if possible right up to the last minute.



Oh yea:

I'll do that tonight ! :p
At work now.

Anonymous said...

Even though u started a boob discourse on my blog... I'll still give u a *hug* =P

Miss u much G! Good luck with KLPac! Man... I miss being the SM.

Anonymous said...

From the sounds of it, and from the lack of posting here, the changeover must be a very busy time indeed for you. Good luck with finishing everything at the old job and the move over to the new one. Hopefully, since you've been doing some work there already, you'll settle in fast and it won't get too overwhelming... :P I know, I know, I'm probably being waaaaay too optimistic here. But one can only hope...

Syar said...

I very much support hugs. Even virtual ones, computer screens be damned.


Loved your elaborate description of Nada-land. Made me think of the Wizard of Oz.

G said...

Wei, after you exams you must promise me dinner or something. :p
(hugs) --- and bring any cute guy friends, yes :D ?

Yea, lets say the old jobn is tryign to squeeze out as much work as they can. amd the new job wants to start anxiously dumping work on me now. (sigh)

Yes, the land of Ndad is full of unending possibilities of no-chance, no-way romantic possibilities :p