Vehicular Update
It was my compressor.
Great, been saving up for the last few months for personal expenses, maybe a holiday or even to move out and its RM 1 K outta the window .... (sighs)
And sending and replacing the part this morning, got me into work late (3pm).
Of which I put in a little extra overtime but still left at 8 PM.
Becoz I said I'd make rehearsals today (tho I forewarned them I'd be late) becoz I'm putting in overtime tomorrow to meet some deadlines and can't make rehearsals.
-- sigh
Yea, some things have spiraled down to resolution. Not all good, but at least its done - but not all bad either. Shit happens. There's little poetry about it and less words yet to be so succinct about it.
A wee bit of scary news but I'll survive.
Thats not only the title of ToS's production this time around, BUT also .. paris Hilton's new single. Oh .... great.
First the poster, font, photo collage and now ... sigh ... oh well.
Them's the breaks.
Burdens and hats
So here I am feeling overwhelmed once again. I think I intentionally do this. I get ... vacant if I'm not doing something so I do, and then fate has this way to making them all meet at crux points and chokeholds just to test my .... mettle.
I'd screw fate, but I think its a 'she' and thats just not my gender preference.
Online Gambling
I've updated some of my (ok, ALL) online personals profiles. Time to get back into the market. Much as I dislike the fishing about, its the best chance of actually meeting some decent guys. That is without resorting to going out clubbing every weekend and that is still not guarantee of meeting worthwhile guys.
I would have really loved to have on of those 'we met in a bookstore' encounters.
It was my compressor.
Great, been saving up for the last few months for personal expenses, maybe a holiday or even to move out and its RM 1 K outta the window .... (sighs)
And sending and replacing the part this morning, got me into work late (3pm).
Of which I put in a little extra overtime but still left at 8 PM.
Becoz I said I'd make rehearsals today (tho I forewarned them I'd be late) becoz I'm putting in overtime tomorrow to meet some deadlines and can't make rehearsals.
-- sigh
Yea, some things have spiraled down to resolution. Not all good, but at least its done - but not all bad either. Shit happens. There's little poetry about it and less words yet to be so succinct about it.
A wee bit of scary news but I'll survive.
Thats not only the title of ToS's production this time around, BUT also .. paris Hilton's new single. Oh .... great.
First the poster, font, photo collage and now ... sigh ... oh well.
Them's the breaks.
Burdens and hats
So here I am feeling overwhelmed once again. I think I intentionally do this. I get ... vacant if I'm not doing something so I do, and then fate has this way to making them all meet at crux points and chokeholds just to test my .... mettle.
I'd screw fate, but I think its a 'she' and thats just not my gender preference.
Online Gambling
I've updated some of my (ok, ALL) online personals profiles. Time to get back into the market. Much as I dislike the fishing about, its the best chance of actually meeting some decent guys. That is without resorting to going out clubbing every weekend and that is still not guarantee of meeting worthwhile guys.
I would have really loved to have on of those 'we met in a bookstore' encounters.
Project Cloudbreak, the one I'm too OLD to participate in just had their first round of auditions/interviews. This UK exchange program seems promising, but I've heard mixed feedback. The want to take 10 people onboard, but it seems there were only 13 attendants. Figures.
Seems like a small book of short poems is coming out soon enough by the local British Council, and I gots me an email to put in a poem. I'm feeling a little tingly and gleeful inside, but weird too. Its not a paying thing, just a collection for them to promo them up at writing events and workshops. At least its something.
Thoughts and considerations.
I'm feeling hesitant and tentative today. A lot of ... not so nice misfortunes have hit lately, but I am left thinking. It doesn't really end, does it. I'm one of those people who destined to live one string of mishaps after another.
I think its so, I think its twisted sense of humour the universe likes to amuse itself with. And I think its does so, because I can take it. I know it sounds odd, even to me - but I think i can take it. Why else would it happen to me?
What was it I heard when I was younger - what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. I believed I've even shared that with someone close before.
On a whim, I was picking up Vince for a drink on Sunday.
And we passed a FLY FM trooper about ready to hand out prizes.
I stopped, and with a few others strangers there was a chocolate chip eating contest + Pepsi MAX gulpdown.
When will people learn, never ever underestimate a smaller, slimmer GAY guys' ability to swallow whole - both chunks and largess liquids.
I won tickets All season passes to Watch 'Mukhsin'.
I wanted '300' .... for educational purposes of course.
ProseProject Cloudbreak, the one I'm too OLD to participate in just had their first round of auditions/interviews. This UK exchange program seems promising, but I've heard mixed feedback. The want to take 10 people onboard, but it seems there were only 13 attendants. Figures.
Seems like a small book of short poems is coming out soon enough by the local British Council, and I gots me an email to put in a poem. I'm feeling a little tingly and gleeful inside, but weird too. Its not a paying thing, just a collection for them to promo them up at writing events and workshops. At least its something.
Thoughts and considerations.
I'm feeling hesitant and tentative today. A lot of ... not so nice misfortunes have hit lately, but I am left thinking. It doesn't really end, does it. I'm one of those people who destined to live one string of mishaps after another.
I think its so, I think its twisted sense of humour the universe likes to amuse itself with. And I think its does so, because I can take it. I know it sounds odd, even to me - but I think i can take it. Why else would it happen to me?
What was it I heard when I was younger - what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. I believed I've even shared that with someone close before.
On a whim, I was picking up Vince for a drink on Sunday.
And we passed a FLY FM trooper about ready to hand out prizes.
I stopped, and with a few others strangers there was a chocolate chip eating contest + Pepsi MAX gulpdown.
When will people learn, never ever underestimate a smaller, slimmer GAY guys' ability to swallow whole - both chunks and largess liquids.
I won tickets All season passes to Watch 'Mukhsin'.
I wanted '300' .... for educational purposes of course.
Singularity lisping stray
of a thought
in a scale of one to tens,
I rank behind
one step ahead of insanity.
300? yes... is it educational! i can't imagine a better way to study the male form when in nothing but tight, tight leather things.. red caps.. bulging biceps.. ahahahaha..droooool...
yes, who would have thought you could swallow so well, gary! tee hehheee!
yea..your car is past its prime but as long as it gets u from A to Z..would u complain? other than paying for repairs now n then... sigh...
can u afford another second car then? never fear..just try n save up for money for travel or rental :-d
hmm... ok..take care!
yea.. i too was initially fooled by the posted for Bridge to Teribethia.. but after watching it.. felt it shine despite its lack of 'magic' and fantasy. the only magic that existed were the children's imagination and how they created a world of fantasy based on that. and coping with everyday lives...i guess in sense, is what most of us do, hiding behind facades online..via mmoprg.. or in dice-and-paper game.
imagination and fantasy helps us deals with the pressures of real life.. if that is the case or IS, hell, let that be live and let imagination rule!
till then,
Hey there G,
Sorry this isn't related, but just wanted to update you on the spammer situation on my blog. Spiffy has left a comment to you on my Story Teller post that the spammer was impersonating me while I was offline for three days over the weekend.
I'm moderating all my comments now so there shouldn't be anymore problems. Just to let ya know, bro.
P.S. Mukhsin looks fab. I'm trying to organise a Muhibbah-Movie session with my friends to go watch it but everyone (inc. me) has crazy-different schedules. *sighs*
every night, upon reaching home and parking my car, i pat the bonnet and say, "Sayang, thank you for getting me home safely... tomorrow we go out and play again ok? goodnight".
car's been ok so far.
I have the bookstore fantasy too. Is it even possible, though, in this day and age?
Logic will break your heart.
nice that you know whats wrong with your car and its an easy fix, not nice that its an expensive fix. :(
btw, what kind of car? a proton of some sort?
I like the poem btw. sounds like you :P
La... U didn't lose me babes. Miss u much! I've just been busy being a library troll.
We'll have din-din sometime soon k.... Orange shakes!!! *hugs*
Wah your car behaves so well, huh :D
Mine is naughty a bit, likes to give me scares, but overall loyal lar :p
I wouldn't want t say 'never say never' ... coz thats just redundant, but the bookstore dream is possible, its only if the guy of our dreams is a reader too. I guess I dont mind so much if he isn't either. But it'd be nice :D
Me car? Honda Civic ... been running for 15 years now I think. :D
Good ol' thang.
Yea: I guess the poem does sound like me .... a bit. Little bit parts . odds and ends bits.
you lieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Enough 'e's for you :p
You got exams in how many weeks, still can din din, tsk tsk.
you habis first lar .... I wait, then you can tell me bout the guys in your life and which ones - i can take away :p ... with an order of coke and fries.
The bookstore fantasy is one I will hold on to until it happens. If I lose it, I'll lose all hope.
You're hanging in there. And amusing us all as you do. I like then when I read what you write, your voice goes on in my head.
300 was awesomely, oglingly, educational.
But Mukhsin looks sweet. Colour me impressed at your gastronomical achievement. Let me know if Yasmin Ahmad hit another home run.
Hoondas are good cars. A well-maintained one should last a VERY long time. Jad's CRX, for example, is 19 years old and you wouldn't guess it.
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