Funny sounds
My car is making strange noises on start-up. I don't think parking in the sun all day and then driving off is a good idea. Damn.
Looks like KLPac only has outdoor parking unless the VIP's have like secret enclosed/shaded spots.
Damn it, damn it.
I best check my car at the shop soon.
Throbbing Dull pains
Been having varying degree's of Migraine for the last few days. Uncertain why though.
I have to admit, my disposition has been less than pleasant (more than usual).
Theatrical pains
I even think I made a small boo-boo at KLPac.
I think ... I think I was 'over-professional' or perhaps even passively demanding to the Golden Boy of Malaysian Theatre :Gavin Yap.
Oh dear. My head hurt and I wasn't sugar coating anything.
I was rather blunt in asking what he wanted for this upcoming Tell-tale heart play, the degree of involvement I was in, when the final illustration was coming in, what he wanted or layout, text and overall approach to the visual aspect of the piece. If he didn't have a clear idea, i had some samples on my computer as well he could look at (now, of course since I was only there for a half day). ... in under 5 minutes worth of his time and mine.
oer ... Sorry, dude for being more brusque than usual, btw hawt shorts!
on one hand, I really hope they can match what I'm asking for.
I could really use that number.
Even on that number ...
... I might be living cheque to cheque. Thats is when I move out.
I started a rough calculation.
Romance and their ilk
Although I've rationalized that I've let go of an ex & decided to treat the one guy I'm currently interested in, as a casual affair (since he doesn't believe in relationships and I respect it) --- emotionally ... not as sturdy.
If you know of the phantom limbs phenomenon, i would describe the current condition as an emotional phantom extension. Unnerving and unpleasant, yet strangely reassuring. Displacing a need, I not quite sure how to grasp the concept in terms coherent enough for me to understand. But its there.
Its elusive but palpating.
So I'm trying to behave myself by not pushing this feeling unto others, especially those I may be interested in or attracted too. I'm afraid of pushing too hard, or too fast. Ironic, in a sense - since i live my life pretty much with as much whim and spontaneity as i can muster, but I'm reltaively tentative with my emotions.
Perhaps, it isn't that uncommon in retrospect.
I .... yea, I should get a phone card or something. It'd be nice to hear a familiar voice soon.
And it doesn't help that my head is pounding now.
My car is making strange noises on start-up. I don't think parking in the sun all day and then driving off is a good idea. Damn.
Looks like KLPac only has outdoor parking unless the VIP's have like secret enclosed/shaded spots.
Damn it, damn it.
I best check my car at the shop soon.
Throbbing Dull pains
Been having varying degree's of Migraine for the last few days. Uncertain why though.
I have to admit, my disposition has been less than pleasant (more than usual).
Theatrical pains
I even think I made a small boo-boo at KLPac.
I think ... I think I was 'over-professional' or perhaps even passively demanding to the Golden Boy of Malaysian Theatre :Gavin Yap.
Oh dear. My head hurt and I wasn't sugar coating anything.
I was rather blunt in asking what he wanted for this upcoming Tell-tale heart play, the degree of involvement I was in, when the final illustration was coming in, what he wanted or layout, text and overall approach to the visual aspect of the piece. If he didn't have a clear idea, i had some samples on my computer as well he could look at (now, of course since I was only there for a half day). ... in under 5 minutes worth of his time and mine.
oer ... Sorry, dude for being more brusque than usual, btw hawt shorts!
on one hand, I really hope they can match what I'm asking for.
I could really use that number.
Even on that number ...
... I might be living cheque to cheque. Thats is when I move out.
I started a rough calculation.
Romance and their ilk
Although I've rationalized that I've let go of an ex & decided to treat the one guy I'm currently interested in, as a casual affair (since he doesn't believe in relationships and I respect it) --- emotionally ... not as sturdy.
If you know of the phantom limbs phenomenon, i would describe the current condition as an emotional phantom extension. Unnerving and unpleasant, yet strangely reassuring. Displacing a need, I not quite sure how to grasp the concept in terms coherent enough for me to understand. But its there.
Its elusive but palpating.
So I'm trying to behave myself by not pushing this feeling unto others, especially those I may be interested in or attracted too. I'm afraid of pushing too hard, or too fast. Ironic, in a sense - since i live my life pretty much with as much whim and spontaneity as i can muster, but I'm reltaively tentative with my emotions.
Perhaps, it isn't that uncommon in retrospect.
I .... yea, I should get a phone card or something. It'd be nice to hear a familiar voice soon.
And it doesn't help that my head is pounding now.
I'm sure the Golden Boy could take a little brusqueness. I mean, he can't be that high and mighty.
Good luck with the financial stuff. I hope they give you all the numbers you need. Just reading about you living cheque to cheque freaks me out because "real life" and "getting a job" are suddenly very real things to me right now.
Sleep. Its what I do when I have headaches.
Also, if you're gonna go watch Terabithia (if you haven't yet) be warned that its not as CGI packed as the trailer lead you to believe. Its a sweet kid's story. And it made me cry.
300, however, made me drool. In your words, HOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOTTT!
Bridge to Terabithia.
I know, I read the book and I loved the movie the way it is.
Its a coming of age movie, about friendships, about growing up and about keeping you imagination alive ... and sharing it.
I just pity those who don't get it.
There is 'shaded' parking at KLPac what....it's near the big green wall you see on your right when you drive into to KLPac.........well there are trees at the back...but don't really know how shaded it is......should be better than just parking out front...
Gavin Yap
Oh lord....be as brusque as you want.....he should be alright with it....if you're really worried....which I don't really think you are...hehe......but if you want to make amends.....get him a beer.....but really...that boy's quite easy going....I don't think you have anything to worry about...ppl there are eccentric anyways....after seeing your work, they'll probably not mind...
Tho on a another note....make friends with Daphne, Faridah's PA....the poor woman needs a friend there.......but totally up to you...plus she's quite brusque too! haha....
Take care of yourself ya!
And see you soon!
How can people not get it? Its so touching. I think its being marketed wrong though.
bummer on the migrains even my sore throat is pissing me off, I can only imagine the effect micgrains are having on you, aside from the pain of course.
I doubt the heat from being parked out under the sun is affecting your car negatively. if anything that should keep the engine warm and make the car perform better when it first starts. the only thing parking out in the sun is detrimental to is interior plastics (they get warped). get it looked at. hopefully nothing too serious. Mom's car used to make strange noises and perform poorly on startup, but that was when it wasn't firing all cylinders.
I guess so.
I shall as ask once I get there anyways. I should hope there's employee parking.
Let's hope its not a bird's shit paradise either.
I worried Daphne that day, but asking her production related quesitons. Oops.
I think the kids that expected "narnia" werent too happy ... (tee hee)
But yea, taken as a whole, its a beautiful movie.
Found it.
my Conpression is outta whack, jams up about 50%percent of the time. Shit.
There goes RM 1000 ... shit shit shit and I just starting saving up for moving out.
I guess if I look back and take ACCOUNT of whatever I was ranting about, I can guess where the damned migraines come from.
Doesn't help I have to stare at a screen all day.
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